The Dental Implant Timeline & Process

If you think dental implants in Holden or Worcester from Dr. Salman Khanani may be right for you, you might be wondering what’s involved in the procedure. In this guide from Khanani Family Dental we’ll walk you through the entire treatment timeline and process.

1. Initial Appointment & Implant Consultation

First, you’ll need to come to Khanani Family Dental to see if you’re a good candidate for implants in Worcester or Holden. Dr. Khanani will perform a comprehensive oral exam and help you understand all of your options for tooth replacement, including implants, and determine if implants are right for you. 

(Optional) Preparatory Surgeries 

You may require additional surgeries before implant placement, such as tooth extraction, bone grafting to strengthen your jaw bone, or alveoloplasty to smooth out sharp ridges in your jaw bone. If you need one of these surgeries, Dr. Khanani will discuss it in detail during your initial consultation.

2. Implant Placement Surgery

Next, you’ll come to Khanani Family Dental, and Dr. Khanani will surgically place your implant into your gum and jaw tissue. You’ll be sent home with a set of healing & recovery instructions. Follow them to the letter to ensure that you recover quickly, and to minimize discomfort after your implant placement surgery. 

3. Post-Op Healing & Recovery

The initial healing process will take 1-2 weeks. It can take up to 6 months for your jaw bone to bond with the implant permanently. During this time, you’ll come in for multiple follow-up appointments so Dr. Khanani can track your progress.

4. Building The Implant Restoration

During your follow-up appointments, our dentist in Holden will take images and impressions of your mouth. He will work with a dental lab to build your implant restoration, such as a dental crown. This is the false tooth that will be attached to the implant to restore your smile. 

5. Attaching The Abutment

Once your implant has fully bonded with the jaw bone, you’ll come into our office 1-2 weeks before your last appointment. Dr. Khanani will create an incision in the gums and attach an implant abutment, which will hold your final implant restoration in place.

6. Final Implant Restoration 

After your abutment has healed and your crown has been built, you’ll come in for your final appointment. Dr. Khanani will check the fit of your crown, then attach it permanently to the abutment, completing the procedure. You’ll go home with a new tooth and a restored smile.

Dental Implants Take Up To 6-12 Months To Place – But Are A Lifetime Investment 

Implant treatment can take as little as 4-7 months, or up to 12 months or longer. It all depends on your case. However, despite the lengthy and complex treatment process, a dental implant in Holden is the best way to restore your missing tooth. 

Your implant will last the rest of your life with proper care, and will look and feel completely natural. To get started, just contact Khanani Family Dental online or call us at (508) 829-4575 for a consultation with Dr. Salman Khanani.

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