Is it Possible For Porcelain Veneers To Be Whitened?

It's almost impossible to distinguish veneers from natural teeth. And because they blend in so well, a lot of people assume that they function just like natural teeth, too. While veneers look the part, they are a prosthetic, which means whitening treatments will not work the same way as they will on your natural teeth. 

You Can't Whiten Veneers, But Here's What You Can Do Instead 

Whitening agents have no effect on veneers, bonding, or dental crowns. If you do try a whitening treatment, you will get a very odd and uneven result - your natural teeth will whiten, but the veneers will remain the same shade. 

Luckily, veneers are made out of very sturdy materials and stain harder than your natural teeth. When they do, you can try these options to whiten them: 

  • Professional Cleaning: Regular, professional dental cleaning can remove some surface stains and help your veneers maintain their brightness and color. But, for this treatment to be effective, you need to schedule professional cleanings regularly, about every six months. 
  • Change Your Veneers: If your veneers are severely stained or even damaged, your dentist may decide that it's time to change them. Use this as an opportunity to whiten your natural teeth and then get the new veneers to match the shade of your teeth. 
  • Proper Care: Prevention is often the best treatment and the same stays true when it comes to veneers. It's important to take good care of your veneers if you want them to maintain their white color. Brush them every day, don't use your teeth as tools, and try to stay away from staining foods and beverages, such as tea, coffee, red wine, tomato sauce, or berries. 

How to Clean Your Veneers

As we said, the best way to keep your veneers bright and clean is by taking care of them. 

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: Although quite sturdy, veneers are not indestructible and can be prone to scratching. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid putting too much pressure on your veneers and maintain their brightness. 
  • Use a non-abrasive toothpaste: Regular toothpaste may contain abrasive agents, such as baking soda or hydrogen peroxide that can damage your veneers. Your dentist will likely recommend toothpaste that is specially formulated for veneers. 
  • Use gentle motions when brushing your veneers: Vigorous tooth brushing can scratch and damage your veneers. Use gentle, circular motions to clean your teeth. 

Are You Unhappy with Your Veneers? We Can Help You! 

Are your veneers stained, discolored, or a bit damaged? Maybe it's time to change them. 

At Khanani Family Dentistry, our Holden dentists can help you get a confident and healthy smile. 

Fill out the online contact form on our website to get in touch with us or call us at (508) 829-4575 to book your appointment.  

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